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Tuesday 1 January 2013

Top 4 Benefits of Blogging

benefits of bloggingNowadays, blogging is one of main acitivites on the internet alongside with social networking. Most of famous people have had their blogs include Barack Obama, Linus Torvald, Bill Gates and Pete Wentz. By blogging we can share our ideas, our photos, essay, critics, news and many more. Blog could spread any information faster than updating status on fb. There are a lot of sites we can use to make blogs for free such as wordpress, blogger, tumblr, etc.

I have discovered that blogging has many benefits especialy for education. You can get more benefits by blogging than being active in social network sites like facebook, twitter, etc. Here are the 4 benefits of blogging

Benefits of Blogging

1. Improving your writing skills

Writing is the best way to become a better writer. But if you're confused where to write, how about write with a blog? Blog is a good media to share your writings. When you publish an article, it will be read and will receive comments from the readers. The comments can help you to write better next post.

2. Sharing your ideas and knowledge

Writing a blog is more effective than writing on facebook or twitter. Either facebook or twitter limit characters of your status but you can write as many as possible. Also, you can modify your article better than on social networking sites.

3. People will know you

People discover information by searching on search engine. If your article appears on the search results, it can become popular fast. The readers will search who the writer is. Then they will know you and if you're lucky, you'll become famous like Justin Bieber :D

4. Increasing your sales

Blogging is a low cost way to increase your sales. Instead of paying for ads, starting a blog is a smart and free way to sell products online. Nowadays, many bloggers have used their blogs for business. You have to learn first before using a blog to make money.

How about you? What are the benefits you have got on blogging? I'm looking forward to hearing your experiences :)

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